In this post, we are going to discuss various job posts in the following departments,
We will discuss 03 Vacancies in the above-mentioned departments in various pharmaceutical industries & if you are interested to apply read the details & apply accordingly.
Job # 01
The first job which we are going to discuss is in the Quality Assurance department.
Job Title
A pharma company is looking for a young and energetic Pharmacist for its QA department to work as a QA officer.
You can apply for this post if you are interested in working as a QA officer in the QA department.
The QA Officer Must be a Pharmacist because the said pharmaceutical industry requires hiring of a Pharmacist as a QA officer.
So a candidate having a Doctor Of Pharmacy Degree can apply for this QA officer Job.
You can apply for the QA officer job if you have 01 to 02 years of work experience.
Number Of Posts
01 job vacancy is announced by the pharmaceutical industry for the post of QA officer.
The job of QA officer is announced in Karachi.
Name Of Pharmaceutical industry
The above-mentioned QA job for Pharmacist is announced by Platinum Pharmaceuticals.
Applying Procedure
Send your CV to the given address
Job # 02
The vacancy which we are going to discuss now is in the regulatory department of the pharmaceutical industry.
Job Title
The pharma is looking for a Pharmacist for its regulatory department to work as Regulatory Executive.
Qualification & Experience
You can avail this opportunity if you have a Doctor Of Pharmacy degree with 3 to 04 years of experience.
Location & Name
The regulatory executive post is announced by the same pharmaceutical industry named Platinum Pharmaceuticals located in Karachi.
Number of posts & Applying Process
Only one Seat is announced and applying Procedure is the same as we mentioned above.
Job # 03
Our third job is in the quality control department so if you have the required criteria you can apply for this job.
Job Title
A well-known pharmaceutical industry located in Lahore is looking for a Quality Control manager for its quality control department.
You can apply for this job if you have one of the following degrees,
B Pharmacy
As the job is for a managerial post, 9 to 10 years of work experience is required.
The previous work experience must be in the same department
Required Skills
The candidate must be skilled in the following,
Should have sound knowledge of GMP.
Should have sound knowledge of ISO.
Should be experienced in analytical techniques for raw materials.
Should be trained for IPQC testing of following,
Sterile Products
Number Of Vacancies
01 seat is available
As we discussed earlier the pharma is located in Lahore.
Name of the pharmaceutical industry
The QC manager job is announced by Curatech Pharma.
The Curatech Pharma is situated at Multan road, 35 kilometres from lahore.
Applying Procedure
Share your CV at the given,
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